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Savannah Chrisley, 25. Savannah Chrisley's parents include Todd and Julie. When she moved to Nashville and attending Lipscomb University. She later moved her school to Belmont University where she graduated. Celebrity Net Worth reports that Todd Chrisley's net worth is $1.5 million. However, this doesn't tell the whole of the story. Chrisley's fluctuating financial situation began in 2012 when Todd was able to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. People claims Todd Chrisley listed assets worth $4.2 million at that time, against debts of $49.4 millions. Todd Chrisley received 12 years and Julie Chrisley seven years from a U.S. Districts Court in Atlanta. Both will spend three years on supervision probation and have to make payments to the victim. A judge rejected the couple of "Chrisley Knows Best's" plea for bail as per court documents. Alexander was born in Serbian descendance, was born Suzana Drobnjakovic, a native of Los Angeles, California. Since the 7th grade she's been performing in school productions of all kinds. Kate's demise was not because NCIS producers wanted to get rid of her, nor the fact that her fans disliked her. Sasha Alexander decided to quit NCIS in her own time in order to fulfill the obligations NCIS made to her.

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